Lifegiver presents
The Afghanistan Series
Helping service members and families process the drawdown of a two-decade war on terror by answering your toughest questions.

Part 1
“Was it Worth it?”
Afghanistan Through a Gold Star's Eyes
In this unscripted, unedited episode, Krista S. Anderson processes the death of her husband in Afghanistan, her marriage to a soldier now who served there and her message to what many service members are feeling about the loss of soldiers they served with.

Supplemental Material: The Price of Freedom
Few people are able to answer that question from the same vantage point as Jennie Taylor. She is a Gold Star widow whose husband, US Army Major Brent Taylor, was killed in action in Afghanistan on November 3, 2018, leaving her behind to raise their SEVEN young children on her own. Through a series of questions, Jennie leads the audience to the point of having to ask themselves the same question she has been asking herself every day—”Is it worth it?” Setting politics aside, Jennie guides the audience to the point of self-reflection as to whether or not patriotism is alive –and the powerful follow-up question of “Who gets to decide?”
Part 2
“Is this our Vietnam?
Afghanistan Through a Saigon Pilot's Eyes

Supplemental Material: Operation Baby Lift
Part 3
“How do I process if I am currently responding to this crisis?”
A New Trauma

Supplemental Material: Soul Injury
The topic of moral injury continues to be discussed within the military and veteran space, but many still are unclear what it is and how it impacts a person and their family. Moral injury is often described as the internal struggle a person goes through after being asked to do something that goes against his or her morals or values. For many of our service members, this is a real issues that deeply impacts their ability to recover. In this FANTASTIC interview, listen as I speak with Chaplain Timothy Mallard, a subject matter expert not only in moral injury, but soul injury. Soul injury, he describes, is an even deeper and sometimes more complicated injury to the soul- often not due to anything the person did- but more so done to them.
Part 4
“What about the women?”
The Courage & Plight of the Afghan Women

Supplemental Material: How you can help...
Here are some of the recommended resources that you can reach out to if you are interested in serving the women of Afghanistan or those who are refugees coming to America.
Part 5
“how do I bring meaning to my time there?”
Through the Eyes of One Who's Been There

VIDEO: Part 1
VIDEO: Part 2
AUDIO: Part 1
AUDIO: Part 2
“what about the leaders?”
Through the Eyes of Leadership