• S4 Ep2 A First Responder/Military Spouse Roundtable

    What happens when a veteran, a military spouse, and a first responder spouse sit down and talk about life together?  

    I often get asked, do we really have that much in common?  Why would I have a podcast where I address the needs of both military and first responders?  Because we have a whole lot more in common than you think.

    In this episode, I bring Ashley and Sarah on the podcast to talk about our different worlds and we would love for you to join us.

    Sarah is a first responder spouse, whose husband is now on the local SWAT team.  She brings authenticity and humor that will brighten anyone’s day.


    Ashley, calling in from Italy, is a veteran herself by has retired and is now a military spouse.  For those who don’t know, we call that a dual service family.  She brings a perspective that all of use should pay attention to.


    Grab a cup of coffee or tea and pretend you are sitting at the table with us.  You will definitely be changed by this conversation.

  • Lifegiver Story

    Tiffany Smiley

    In this amazing story, Tiffany Smiley shares her journey of excitement as a new military spouse and then tragically becoming a caregiver of her husband who was blinded during his first deployment. Over the course of more than 10 years, Tiffany gave everything she had to her husband and family only to burnout and ask whether God loved her or had a purpose for her. In her vulnerable story, she shares how she came back from a very dark place, renewed her mind, and discovered her purpose in bringing hope to others asking the same questions. Tiffany announces her upcoming conference in Washington state where she can help you write your story, be inspired, and discover a sense of purpose yourself. For more on Tiffany’s Story of Faith Conference, visit her website http://tiffanysmiley.com
    [podbean type=audio-rectangle resource=”episode=vcwds-97de6b” skin=”1″ auto=”0″ height=100 ]

    Lindsay Swoboda: Coming Back from the Silence

    June 30, 2018

    If you are looking for an inspirational story, this is it. Watch or listen to my interview with Lindsay Swoboda, a military spouse and new blogger. In this interview, she takes us into a difficult season of her marriage where she found herself feeling incredibly disconnected from her husband and decided to make an inspiring change. She took the Sacred Spaces Challenge and committed to pursuing her spouse in a new way for 365 days! She is currently the owner of the Uplifting Anchor blog where she encourages other military spouses in their everyday experiences. Find a link to her blog in the links above!

    [podbean type=audio-rectangle resource=”episode=ptjfx-97de60″ skin=”1″ auto=”0″ height=100 ]