• Sunday Special: Embrace Your Story

    It’s time for the very first Lifegiver Sunday Special.  I received feedback that some of you would like faith based content AND hearing from Matt- so this episode is the both of us giving a talk at our old stomping grounds where we first met- Gardner-Webb University.  The sound on this one is a bit different because it was recorded in a different place and format, but I hope the message comes through in a way that will encourage your story.

    Guess what- You can also WATCH this episode as well!  Check it out here:


    I hope that you enjoy this episode.  I personally am huge fan of Matt Weathers, so I’m happy to share the stage with him anytime.

  • Telling Your Story 2018

    Sometimes we just need a place to share our story. Every single one of us has been through something difficult and made it through. I love a good story- one that inspires me to think bigger, live bigger, and love bigger. What I want is to provide a place of encouragement where YOU can share your story with the hope of encouraging someone else. This video will walk you through how to develop your story in a way that will inspire someone else. I hope you will join me.

  • Matt Interviews Corie

    In this candid interview, Matthew asks Corie questions without any prep ahead of time. This heartfelt and sweet interview brings out some of Corie’s story, but also the drive she has, and why Wonder Woman is (really) her hero.

  • The Hero’s Journey

    After presenting “The Hero’s Journey” at the The Military Spouse of the Year Town Hall in Washington, DC, many remarked that it was very helpful to their journey and wanted it available to share. Every one of us is capable of becoming our own hero as we invest in lives around us- hopefully seeing the hero in them as well.