Homeschool Spouse
Happy New Year! Lifegiver is back with an all new episode that is perfect for every parent. This week I interview Jennifer Hamrick- military spouse to an Army Chaplain, homeschool mom, and blogger. She may not say it herself, she is far too humble, but she is a mentor to so many on so many things “motherhood”. I have sought her wisdom on many occasions and watched as she patiently disciplined her 4 boys all while homeschooling them all. With a degree in Early Childhood Education, she has been on both sides of the issue and can speak to all of us regardless of where our children get their education. In this candid talk, we discuss her journey in deciding to homeschool as well as how she has navigated balancing taking care of herself and marriage. She and I discuss the stigmas for both sides, including the assumption that homeschool students struggle with social skills as well as perceived judgement for those who don’t homeschool. You will also find TONS of resources from Jennifer as she shares her best tried and true websites, curriculum, and books that have helped guide her and keep her successful (and sane) as a mom and teacher. More than anything, allow her humility and words encourage you. We can all learn from each other and find ways to speak life into each others’ situation. Jennifer’s Blog: The Hamricks: A Mom, a Dad, and 4 boys Here are some of the resources Jennifer mentions: Managers of Their Homes : A Practical Guide to Daily Scheduling for Christian Homeschool Families (includes Scheduling Kit), by Steve & Teri Maxwell. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to go to bed each night, with the peace of mind that you accomplished what you wanted to each day, such as a clean house, AND homeschooling? Our Cozy Den: http://ourcozyden.com The Adventures of 2 Stay-at-Home Parents and their 4 Crazy Kids Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) http://hslda.org When two attorneys and homeschooling dads—Mike Farris and Mike Smith—founded Home School Legal Defense Association in March 1983, homeschooling was just a tiny blip on the educational radar screen. The age-old concept of parents teaching their children at home had fallen into obscurity. Families who chose such a “nontraditional” education route often encountered opposition, sometimes even legal challenges, from the educational bureaucracy as well as from their own friends and relatives. Seeing a need for affordable legal advocacy, the two Mikes joined forces to establish a nonprofit ministry to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Homeschooling for the Rest of Us: How Your One-of-a-Kind Family Can Make Homeschooling and Real Life Work by Sonya Haskins Hello Mornings http://www.hellomornings.org Based on the free eBook, Maximize Your Mornings by Kat Lee, the HelloMornings challenge was birthed to encourage Christian women toward the life-giving habit of waking up FOR their lives instead of TO their lives. The first challenge formed back in August 2010 and has grown to a movement of thousands of women in countries around the world, with over 200 volunteer leaders. Our motto is “God.Plan.Move.” and we aim to empower women to spend time with God, plan their day and make healthy choices first thing in the morning. In just a few minutes each morning, we can attend to the most important aspects of our lives – our relationship with God, planning, and improving our health. The goal isn’t overnight transformation, but slow and steady progress toward life long habits that radically change the direction of our lives and allow us to thrive in whatever role God has given us. Time4Learning •Accelerate your child’s learning through online self-paced study. •Save the time you spend on planning and reporting to focus on what’s important. Having fun helping your child learn and grow. •Give your child the right tools to build his or her confidence and self esteem through a well rounded education. •Remove the stress from the homeschooling process, so you can spend more quality time with your child. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons by Siegfried Engelmann