S5E10: Tips & Perspective from a NG Spouse (Cierra)
My good friend Cierra joins the podcast to talk about her experiences as a National Guard spouse. We so often hear about the challenges of National Guard families- that they don’t have access to the programming active duty families have and that living in the civilian community can be isolating. So in this interview, Cierra shares her experience of deployment while living in the civilian community and the challenges National Guard life brings into their marriage. National Guard and Reserves are now deploying just as much as active duty and Cierra gives fantastic tips on how she has learned to manage the home, school, and work while also building a connected marriage.
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The Deployment Series
Part One: The Deployment Series
In this 2018 Season Finale, the Deployment Series brings an interview with Lizann Lightfoot, The Seasoned Spouse. We talk all about the struggles of deployment and how you can thrive through any separation with your spouse. Even if you are a first responder, this interview is for you. First responders live daily deployments and experience reintegration everyday your serving spouse comes home.
Find out more about Lizann’s Deployment Masterclass by clicking here: https://seasonedspouse.com/ where she offers training, resources, private Facebook groups, and a series from “seasoned” experts ready to encourage you and prepare you.
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Part 2: The Deployment Series
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Sexual Intimacy & Post-Affair
Dr. Mike Sytsma is one of the most respected Christian Sex Therapists in the US. Based out of Atlanta, his office, Building Intimate Marriages, sees mostly couples who feel sexually “incompatible” or are post-affair. Most of his post-affair couples continue on to find new hope in their marriage. In this candid interview (FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY), I ask Dr. Sytsma all the questions I believe we are often most afraid to ask, especially as it relates to military specific issues that interfere with a healthy sex life. We discuss what couples can do during and after deployments, how to protect your marriage from affairs, and what you can do to start healing if your marriage is broken because of one. You can find all of the resources Dr. Mike mentioned in the link provided. Special thank you to In-Dependent.org for allowing me to host the Military Spouse Wellness Summit 2016 where I interviewed Dr. Mike and allowing me to post this extended version of that interview here.