Ranger Reintegration Workshop January 2020
This event was a dream come true. When my good friends Brittany Boucher and Krista Simpson-Anderson came to me with the idea of us leading a workshop together I jumped at the opportunity. These two are amazing and bring a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. Brittany sharing on her experience as a caregiver of a service member with TBI and Krista sharing how she has brought joy into her life after becoming a God Star is nothing but inspiring.

Our desire for the event was to give spouses a chance to not only decompress from an intense deployment, but also gain some new strategies for reintegration. Brittany taught on the importance of self-care and fulfilling a personal sense of purpose and Krista shared that no matter what you go through you can rise above and still have a wonderful life. Care team training is always a tough topic, but crucial to our ability to face fears and lean on our community.