Provider Dashboard
Below are service organizations that count on the Lifegiver Directory for referrals or have created opportunities for clinicians like you to get involved, gain CEU's and more.
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Organizations That Support Service Families
Below are service organizations that count on the Lifegiver Directory for referrals or have created opportunities for clinicians like you to get involved, gain CEU's and more.
The following organizations offer support and resources for active duty, national guard, and reserve families.
Blue Star Families
Blue Star Families was founded by military spouses in 2009 to empower these families to thrive as they serve. We’re committed to strengthening military families by connecting them with their neighbors – individuals and organizations – to create vibrant communities of mutual support. We believe we’re all stronger when we take care of one another.
Our groundbreaking research is raising the nation’s awareness of the unique challenges of military family life. With the help of neighbors across the country, Blue Star Families is overcoming the isolation and alienation of frequent moves, deployments, and reduced support from the government. Our innovative programs are solving specific challenges for military families, including fighting economic insecurity with resources that foster spouse career development, creating family strength with rich family programming, and providing critical peer support for caregivers, whose numbers are only increasing.
Download the most recent survey results here and find out more:
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation (CKFF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by Taya Kyle to honor the life and legacy of her husband, “American Sniper” Chris Kyle.
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation’s (CKFF) unique and innovative programs have proven effective in keeping service marriages together, strengthening the family, as well as having a ripple effect on communities and future generations. Our long-term vision includes programs that help build stronger relationships between military and first responder marriages, as well as the communities in which they live and serve.
Our current programs include:
The following organizations offer support and resources for veterans and their families.
Healing Household 6
Often caregivers of veterans suffer from caregiver burnout and financial stress due to the veterans’ injuries once relieved from active duty. They often feel overwhelmed with the resources available to them along with how to obtain financial freedom when those resources do not apply to their situation. As a result, the veterans’ support system is severely damaged. Without proper support from the caregiver our families on the home front cannot heal properly leaving the caregiver and children in a state of distress. This stress can be alleviated by offering the caregiver a peer support, resources, domestic violence and relationship assistance, mental health services, and family activities. Our vision is to build stronger support systems for the caregiver, in turn strengthening the overall family relationship of the household.
In addition HH6 assists with emergency financial relief for caregivers in domestic violence situations. Many caregivers experiencing domestic abuse cannot leave their veteran due to financial hardships or fear. It is our intent to assist them to overcome these hardships to remove themselves from the situation. Overall the end goal would be to unite the veteran and caregiver through proper treatment. When this goal cannot be obtained, the case manager assigned to the client will assist the caregiver with resources to begin their journey in providing a stable home for their family.
Find out more:
Blue Star Families
Blue Star Families was founded by military spouses in 2009 to empower these families to thrive as they serve. We’re committed to strengthening military families by connecting them with their neighbors – individuals and organizations – to create vibrant communities of mutual support. We believe we’re all stronger when we take care of one another.
Our groundbreaking research is raising the nation’s awareness of the unique challenges of military family life. With the help of neighbors across the country, Blue Star Families is overcoming the isolation and alienation of frequent moves, deployments, and reduced support from the government. Our innovative programs are solving specific challenges for military families, including fighting economic insecurity with resources that foster spouse career development, creating family strength with rich family programming, and providing critical peer support for caregivers, whose numbers are only increasing.
Download the most recent survey results here and find out more:
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation (CKFF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by Taya Kyle to honor the life and legacy of her husband, “American Sniper” Chris Kyle.
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation’s (CKFF) unique and innovative programs have proven effective in keeping service marriages together, strengthening the family, as well as having a ripple effect on communities and future generations. Our long-term vision includes programs that help build stronger relationships between military and first responder marriages, as well as the communities in which they live and serve.
Our current programs include:
The following organizations offer support and resources for first responders and their families.
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation (CKFF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by Taya Kyle to honor the life and legacy of her husband, “American Sniper” Chris Kyle.
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation’s (CKFF) unique and innovative programs have proven effective in keeping service marriages together, strengthening the family, as well as having a ripple effect on communities and future generations. Our long-term vision includes programs that help build stronger relationships between military and first responder marriages, as well as the communities in which they live and serve.
Our current programs include:
Looking for ways to build your resume and get CEU’s for license renewal? Don’t forget to add these certifications and advanced education to your profile!
Military Spouse Behavioral Health Clinicians
We are committed to supporting those who choose to serve by caring for the mental and emotional health of our service members, veterans, their families and even the civilian community.
We are a diverse group: Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, ABA Therapists, Clinical, School and I/O Psychologists; from those Still Not in School to Graduate Students, from the Soon-to-Be Licensed to Licensed and Seasoned Professionals, and everyone in between.
CONNECT: MSBHC seeks to connect military spouses with their peers in order to gain and give support and to share knowledge and best practices with each other.
ACHIEVE: Our goal is to help to ease all of the educational, employment and licensure hurdles that military spouses face as they navigate through military life while in pursuit of a career in the mental health profession. We hope to accomplish this by providing them with access to all of the necessary resources and support they need at every stage.
IMPACT: A mental health crisis exists within the military and greater civilian community. The rate of suicide and other psychological health concerns have skyrocketed, especially within our military community after over 16 continuous years of war. MSBHC seeks to help provide access to a culturally competent behavioral health workforce that stands ready and willing to help tackle the mental health crisis within our military community and beyond.
Find out more:
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation
The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation (CKFF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by Taya Kyle to honor the life and legacy of her husband, “American Sniper” Chris Kyle.
Coming Fall 2019- an all new CEU Certification track for clinicians to help you develop cultural competency in working with military and first responder marriages. Curriculum, written but SME in the field was vetted and approved by military and first responder couples.

Organizations Currently pointing to the LG Clinician Directory