Military Kid Ambassadors (MKA)

It’s tough being a military kid, especially if you have to move around a lot.  Military Kid Ambassadors (MKA) is a campaign designed to encourage military kids to be proud of who they are and step into leadership.  Often not sticking around long enough to easily run for class president or other leadership positions at school, MKA’s can be ambassadors in their own school.  By signing up, they commit to reach out to other new military kids they meet and offer a helping hand, a friend to eat lunch with, or just listen.


Our Mission Statement

The purpose of MKA is to help connect military kids together for friendship, to gain confidence in leadership, and impacting their community

By becoming a MKA, I pledge to:

1. Find another military kid who needs a battle buddy

2. Talk to your school teachers, counselors, or principal about becoming a milkid ambassador for your school. (See examples for your age group below.)

3. Encourage other military kids to become military kid ambassadors as well!

Ambassador: a military kid who is a leader in his or her school and community,  an example to his or her peers, living out the values of respect and integrity.  No matter how temporary his or her assignment, Military Kid Ambassadors make a difference whenever they can.

Ideas to Inspire Military Kid Ambassadors (MKA’s)

  • Ask for a once a month lunch group with your school counselor just for military kids
  • Reach out and say hello to new military kids when they move in.
  • Sit with another military kid on the bus
  • Ask the front office to notify you when a new military kid arrives
  • Wear your MKA t-shirt every Thursday (or another day you choose) and coordinate with others
  • Ask for a once a month lunch group with your school counselor just for military kids
  • Reach out and say hello to new military kids when they move in.
  • Sit with another military kid on the bus
  • Ask the front office to notify you when a new military kid arrives
  • Wear your MKA t-shirt every Thursday (or another day you choose) and coordinate with others
  • Ask your school about an after-school MKA Club where the school counselor helps talk through military lifestyle topics
  • Make rules with your MKA group for how the group can represent themselves as responsible and respectful to others.
  • Have an MKA meet-up at someone’s house
  • Do something nice in your neighborhood to welcome other milkids
  • Ask for a once a month lunch group with your school counselor just for military kids
  • Reach out and say hello to new military kids when they move into the neighborhood.
  • Sit with another military kid on the bus
  • Ask the front office to notify you when a new military kid arrives
  • Wear your MKA t-shirt every Thursday (or another day you choose) and coordinate with others
  • Ask your school about an after-school MKA Club where the school counselor helps talk through military lifestyle topics
  • Make rules with your MKA group for how the group can represent themselves as responsible and respectful to others.
  • Have an MKA meet-up at someone’s house, at the movies, at Starbucks, or together volunteering in your community
  • Do something nice in your neighborhood to welcome other milkids
  • Find a new (MKA) ambassador to mentor before you graduate so all of your hard work continues!

Don’t just stay confined within these. Go out and make up your own! Serve your friends, communities, and schools how you believe you should!