Leading the Next Generation

Bridging Generations for a Stronger Military

Pulled from over 15 years of research, this training will open your eyes to the current culture of the modern military family and put a new perspective on leadership. Based on the book “Military Culture Shift: The Impact of War, Money, & Generational Perspective on Morale, Retention, & Leadership, this training offers insight discovered from listening to families behind confidential doors of the counseling office, evaluating the impact of the DOD defense budget on families, watching trends in social media and more.

Corie provided insightful, fact-based information in a creative and dynamic way that allowed for fruitful dialogue amongst all the Leaders in our Battalion. Having a cross-section of generations from SGTs all the way to BN Commander and CSM, allowed for us to learn from one another and opened the door for future conversations!

Leading the Next Generation Training

Based on the book Military Culture Shift
Whether you are in command, running an organization or business you will learn:
  • Generational differences in work style, motivation, and how they define and interact with authority.
  • The high-level story of how the military culture evolved to where we are now.
  • Why families are not turning out for social and family readiness events.
  • Why information distribution and engagement strategies must change.
  • How the largest communication shift in 500 years has impacted the military tribe’s cohesiveness.
  • Q & A: An opportunity to clarify, ask questions, and vision cast solutions for challenging trends and obstacles.