“Now more than ever, loyalty is won or lost in how we care for our most valuable asset: people."
Clinical Advisor on Military Morale & Leadership
Author & Speaker
CEO of Lifegiver Consulting
Corie Weathers, licensed professional counselor (LPC), is a sought-after speaker, consultant, and author focusing her career for the last 20 years as a clinician specializing in marriage, military and first responders, the service culture, and its impact on families.
She has traveled to Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf to visit troops and report on deployment conditions with Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and teaches service families across the globe.
As a subject matter expert on military culture, she produces content through interviews and videos, and facilitates transformative and productive training for service members and families on how to live, lead, find purpose, and build relationships using their natural talents.
Corie can help evaluate your program effectiveness, offer key recommendations for achieving impact with service families, develop leaders, and work internally as a concierge consultant for leaders and teams.

Let me tell you the story of the people you think you know, but could know better.
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Bring the book to life with interviews, stories, and more.
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Available in hardback, paperback, and audiobook.

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Learn to lead the next generation, reduce conflict, & increase productivity
“This book should be mandatory reading for anyone going into Battalion or Brigade Command (or other service equivalent), General Officers, DOD political appointees and Members of Congress and their professional staffs.”
Robert B. “Abe” Abrams
“If you are currently serving, have served, or care about those who do, this book is worthy reading to help better understand the trials and complexities of our most precious resource in national security.”
Mac Thornberry,
“The story she chooses to tell is indeed vast—but Weathers uncomplicates things. … Think of her book as a nuanced, empathetic explanation of how we got to this point, what we can learn from being here, and how we can use the opportunity to improve.”
J. Ford Huffman
National Defense University Foundation
"Corie is the Brene Brown of the military community."

Same clinical skills, just used in a different way and in a different setting. As a military clinical consultant, I work with service organizations to evaluate program effectiveness, offer key recommendations for achieving impact with service families, develop leaders, and work internally as a concierge consultant for leaders and teams.

Training should not feel like wasted time. I combine the adult learning method, the psychology of group dynamics, and the adult learning method to make training interactive and productive.

Bringing over a decade worth of research on the military culture, key stakeholders get the education needed to make a lasting, visible change in their circle of influence.
Pulling from 20 years of clinical experience, executive coaching helps high performers get “unstuck”, motivated, and on track in their marriage, career, or personal growth.
Corie Speaks to the Texas House of Representatives
Virtual Events
- 1st Special Forces Command
- 160th SOAR
- 75th Ranger Regiment
- 8th PSYOPS
- 1st, 3rd, & 5th Groups
- Air Force 27th Special Operations Wing, Cannon AFB
- USASOC Force Modernization Center
- 91st & 95th Civil Affairs
Department of Defense:
- DOD Military Community & Family Policy
- DOD Spouse Education & Career Opportunities
- Military OneSource
- US Navy Master Chief Petty Officer Conference
- III Army Corps SHARP
- 1st Cavalry Division
Military Institutions:
- Marine Corps University Commander’s Cornerstone
- Army War College
- National Defense University Foundation
- John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School
- Taya & Chris Kyle Foundation (TACKF)
- Project Sanctuary
- The Red Cross
- Second Service Foundation
- Green Beret Foundation
- Association of United States Army (AUSA)
- MilspouseFest
- Independent
- Deloitte Consulting Group
- BP Oil
Bring in something different.
No death by powerpoint.
No wasted time.
My job is to inspire change and transform lives.
Real, honest topics that make a difference for leaders and families. Participants will leave feeling invested in, equipt, and ready to win the day.
Leadership & Professional Development
Reconstitution and Unity
Bridging Generations for a Stronger Military
Based on 15 years of research, listening to families behind confidential doors of the counseling office, evaluating the impact of the DOD defense budget on families, watching trends in social media, and more, the “Reconstitution & Unity” training will open your eyes to the current trends of the modern military family
The Power of Us
Discover the strengths and superpowers of your team, decrease conflict, and increase productivity by 14%. Great for teams, couples events, or inspiring individuals.

Mastering Assertiveness
Merge a powerful communication tool with an interactive lesson on assertive communication that most have never been taught. Participants leave equipped to identify what they need, assertively (with kindness) ask for it, and take ownership of their own self-care.